

化学 科学

Protect yourself from viruses


Nowadays in Japan, Hypochlorous Acid is being common

That is because the Hypochlorous Acid is way more effective against virus compared to alcohol.

Japan government and hospitals changed the sterilizing method when there were outbreaks of Norovirus and O-157.

This is safe to our bodies and it is very effective.

There is also substance called sodium hypochlorite which some people misunderstand with hypochlorous acid but let me differentiate those two substances.

Hypochlorous acid water

Basically, it is acidic or weak acidic water produced when the salt water is electrolyzed. It is safe to use not only for our bodies, but also for kitchens and fresh vegetables.

Actually, this substance is also produced inside our body.

Leukocytes (white blood cells) forms super oxide from oxygen and the hypochlorous acid will be produced, which the leukocytes use to eliminate bacteria and viruses.

I also bring this hypochlorous acid with me,

And use this to disinfect and sterilize when I need, like my hand, face, or sometimes food.

Sodium hypochlorite

Simply, this is chlorine-based bleach, and it has very high pH level (very strong alkaline).

You cannot use this even if you dilute it.

But for disinfecting objects like tables, floors, etc., it is way better than alcohols.

I will write about it at the end.

Vires Seven

This product is a good example of hypochlorous acid that are made in Japan.

I personally use this for 3 years

And this is also popular to ladies who care for their beauty and health.

This product has minimum smell of chlorine, safe to our body and has actual effect against bacteria and viruses.

Recipe for Sodium Hypochlorite

 I will base it on bleach sold in Japan.

The chloride concentration is 5%

We will make the mixture of water and bleach at ratio of 500ml:10ml.

Since the bleach is at 5% concentration, the mixture will result in 0.1% chloride concentration. (Equation = rate of concentration/amount of water)

We will use this as the base.

We use the “ppm” as the unit where 1ppm is equivalent to 0.0001%, since our mixture is 0.1%, the measure will be 1000ppm. So lets keep it in container with label of NaClO1000 which stands for Sodium Hypochlorite.

Keep anyone from drinking this, because this really looks alike with water.

We use the NaClO1000 as strong detergent (such as toilet, dirty floor, etc.)

Weaken this to 200ppm at 1:3 rate where 1 is NaClO1000 and 3 is water

(You can adjust the strength by adjusting the amount of water)

Ill name it NaClO200 which is useful for things we usually touch like cellphone, doorknob, light switch, etc.

When you mix them, I give advice to wear rubber gloves especially for people with weak skins.

I tested the 100ppm mixture on my hand but there was no harm except it smelled like chlorine.

But use this on your skin only when you cannot buy alcohol and use it at you own responsibility.

-化学, 科学



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